The Pup Awaits with Hugs Loaded: An Adorable Sight as the School Bus Arrives.

Every day without fail, Maggie eagerly anticipates the arrival of her younger human sibling. As soon as the school bus pulls up to their house, she knows that they’ll be reunited once again.

We have witnessed dogs patiently waiting for buses in the past, however, this particular pooch has something special planned for her favorite person as she awaits their arrival. As soon as the young boy steps off the school bus and begins walking to his home, he anticipates what’s about to happen next.

It’s a heartwarming experience that never gets tiresome! Initially, Maggie surrenders to lie on her back and relish her belly massages. And then, the warm hugs follow!

Although he doesn’t stay away from her for extended periods, this charming lady always cherishes these brief intervals.

Dog Waits For And Hugs Little Boy Coming Home From School | FaithPot

Observe their touching moments in the following video:

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