“The Magical bond between a Foster Mother’s Child and New Canine Companion: An Adorable Introduction Story”

Welcoming a new member to your family while having a dog can be a challenging task. You never know how your furry friend will react to the newborn; they might either adore or despise the little one. Unfortunately, we cannot read a dog’s mind, and thus it’s impossible to predict their reaction until they meet. Although, in most cases, everything works out fine, there are times when it goes exceptionally well, just like this video portrays.

Kari Lewis was going through a tough time after her foster daughters were adopted when Reagan entered her life. The adorable eight-month-old pooch lived with her mother, but Kari still got to spend lots of time with him. Soon after, Kari got the opportunity to adopt a little boy who was also eight months old and named him Buddy because he quickly became Reagan’s best friend. Together, Reagan and Buddy have become famous on the internet, with over 100,000 followers.

Buddy and Reagan make quite the photogenic pair. The video is filled with countless cute pictures of the two, but my personal favorite has to be the one where they pose as ghosts. Another picture that stands out is the one where they wear matching pajamas – it’s definitely one of the most adorable things I’ve ever seen. Kudos to Buddy’s foster mother and grandmother for their creativity; this memory will undoubtedly last a lifetime.

It’s interesting how Buddy’s pictures always seem to obscure his face intentionally, most likely as a safety measure. It’s also worth noting that “Buddy” isn’t his actual name – another precaution taken by his foster family to keep him safe from potential threats on social media. It would be great if Reagan and Buddy’s friendship endures for many years, even if he does eventually find a permanent home.

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