Resilient Pup Emerges from His Own Grave and Seeks Aid After Heartless Owners Bury Him Alive

Healthy dog 'put down' by cruel owners digs himself out of grave and walks to roadside waiting for help

The owners of a healthy German Shepherd named Kiryusha gave him a fatal injection and buried him alive. However, the resilient dog managed to dig himself out of his makeshift grave and searched for help. He climbed out of the forest and walked towards the nearest road. A driver named Olga Lystseva passed by and saw the dog slowly walking in the rain along a highway in northern Russia. Even though she had continued driving, Olga couldn’t stop thinking about the poor animal. She decided to turn around and drove nine miles back to rescue him, proving herself to be a true dog lover.


While driving, Olga stumbled upon a wet and fatigued dog lying by the roadside. After locating some food for the dog, named Kiryusha, she put him in the back of her car where he slept soundly throughout their 93-mile journey to Ukhta. Upon reaching Kind City, a dog rescue service, volunteers shared pictures of Kiryusha and traced his origin back to Yemva. The owners had planned to euthanize Kiryusha due to his purported unhealthy condition.


Olga Lystseva


According to Ekaterina Nimak, a member of the rescue service, Olga has been instrumental in giving Kiryusha a fresh start. At present, he is residing in a shelter and exhibiting tranquil behavior. He can walk on a leash without hurrying, seldom engages in conflicts with other dogs, and refrains from barking. Additionally, he has a friendly disposition towards humans. As per a report by a nearby television channel, Kiryusha is now being cared for by a caring family in a cozy home.

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