Introducing Wild: The Mischievous Feline Who Discovered His Felicity

Encounter the Cheeky Rascal Wild: A Playful Cat Who Found His Happily Ever After - yeudon

It’s not uncommon for cats to start life in difficult circumstances, and sadly, not all of them end happily. Rascal Wild, a tuxedo cat hailing from Washington state, had a challenging beginning. He was found as a stray near a busy road and struggled to find a permanent home due to his lively nature. His owners noted that the area where he was located was inappropriate for a cat due to multiple lanes of traffic, train tracks, and a cemetery. It’s possible that Rascal was left behind due to his size and wild personality or because he wasn’t neutered and was seeking love in the wrong places. When he arrived at the shelter, he was described as energetic, cheeky, playful, and unaware that hands weren’t toys. The photo below illustrates where Rascal was discovered, showing an unsuitable environment for a feline.

Encounter the Cheeky Rascal Wild: A Playful Cat Who Found His Happily Ever After - yeudon

Jim and Cerise showed compassion by adopting a lively cat with an interesting story. Although the feline wasn’t very affectionate or cuddly, the couple felt a connection with him upon seeing his picture and welcomed him into their home. They embraced his peculiarities and believed that he was destined to be with them. To showcase their handsome pet, they created a social media account that has grown to over 30,000 followers. In his bio, the cat is described as an attractive Seattle resident who uses his belly to win people over. Additionally, he has the role of big brother to @poly_dumplings.

Encounter the Cheeky Rascal Wild: A Playful Cat Who Found His Happily Ever After - yeudon

I recently had the chance to chat with the folks who take care of Rascal, and they gave me some fascinating details about this energetic cat. It turns out that Rascal is not your average kitty – he’s a bit of a trickster at heart. He loves nothing more than to lure you in for a belly rub, only to turn the tables and pounce on you for a surprise attack. His owners have dubbed him “it’s a trap” because he’s so good at ensnaring unsuspecting humans with his adorable charm. Keep reading to learn more about this playful feline!

Encounter the Cheeky Rascal Wild: A Playful Cat Who Found His Happily Ever After - yeudon

When did Rascal join your family? Well, this scruffy and unsterilized tomcat was found wandering on the streets and ended up in a shelter. It was estimated that he was about 2 years old at that time, but we can’t be sure about his actual age. After adopting him, Rascal has been with us for five years now and he has become a well-behaved and calm feline. So, he’s probably a seasoned seven-year-old cat by now.

Encounter the Cheeky Rascal Wild: A Playful Cat Who Found His Happily Ever After - yeudon

It’s amazing how fitting his name is! When you initially adopted him, what was the name given to him and how did you decide on his current name?
“We decided to keep his name as Rascal since it was already a perfect fit. Changing it never crossed our minds!” Sign up now to receive exclusive content like articles, guides, reviews, fascinating facts about cats, and much more.

Encounter the Cheeky Rascal Wild: A Playful Cat Who Found His Happily Ever After - yeudon

Take a look at this heartwarming sight of @poly_dumplings, a 2-year-old cat, spending some quality time with his feline buddy and craving for some chicken. The owner shared that initially they were a bit hesitant about adopting the kittens and decided to introduce them gradually to avoid any confrontation. In the beginning, @poly_dumplings would growl and hiss at his new roommates, and it took six weeks before they finally met face to face. However, over time things changed and they became the closest of friends. The kittens have now become his playmates and personal groomers, with Gyoza engaging in roughhousing while little Gnocchi chases him around. They fit perfectly into the family and make a great-looking bunch together!

Encounter the Cheeky Rascal Wild: A Playful Cat Who Found His Happily Ever After - yeudon

Do you have any interesting insights to share about him? While he may not be the easiest cat to earn the trust of, once you do, his love knows no bounds. Even though he can be quite wild at times, there is a sweet and gentle side to him that shines through, not to mention his incredibly soothing purr.

Encounter the Cheeky Rascal Wild: A Playful Cat Who Found His Happily Ever After - yeudon

They say that tuxedo cats have a certain attitude that sets them apart. But when it comes to Rascal, how would he rate on the feline personality scale? If it were up to me, I’d say he’s off the charts – a solid 12 out of 10! When he first came home, he was full of energy and loved to play rough. Nowadays, he enjoys being groomed and getting pets, but he can still get a bit too excited and may give a nip to signal that he needs some space. Regardless, Rascal’s personality is one-of-a-kind and always keeps us guessing!

Encounter the Cheeky Rascal Wild: A Playful Cat Who Found His Happily Ever After - yeudon

Rascal is quite a hefty feline, tipping the scales at a whopping 20 pounds! It’s not unusual for tuxedo cats to be on the larger side, but it’s still impressive. What’s even more entertaining than his size are the comical stunts that Rascal pulls off. Keep yourself in the loop by following him on Instagram. In one snapshot, he’s trying to dupe his caretakers into petting his belly. However, they wisely avoid this trap knowing that his claws are likely to come out. I can certainly relate as my own tuxedo cat engages in the same behavior!

Encounter the Cheeky Rascal Wild: A Playful Cat Who Found His Happily Ever After - yeudon

Do you know someone who loves tuxedo cats? Well, I have an incredible story about Rascal that you can share with them. I want to thank Jim and Cerise, Rascal’s owners for allowing me to share his story with all of you. I hope you enjoyed hearing about Rascal as much as I did.
On another note, if you’re looking for more adorable feline companions, you should check out Rascal’s housemates, Gyoza and Gnocchi, also known as the Poly Dumplings. They are two charming polydactyl cats that will surely steal your heart with their cuteness.

Encounter the Cheeky Rascal Wild: A Playful Cat Who Found His Happily Ever After - yeudon

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