“From Mummy-Like to Magnificent: The Stunning Transformation of a Precious Pup”

Blondie arrived at Maricopa County Animal Care and Control towards the end of October. The Chihuahua mix was in a pitiable state with her hairless body completely covered in scabs making her look like a mummy rather than a dog. The shelter volunteers were determined to save her despite her “at-risk” status for euthanasia. They made an online plea for help accompanied by a video of Blondie.

According to Caitlin Beall, one of the co-founders of Sky Sanctuary Rescue, they were shocked when they first saw the video of the dog at the county shelter. The poor animal looked pitiful and scared as she shook in her kennel. Beall and her fellow co-founder, Elli Smith, immediately rushed to the shelter to see the dog in person. When they finally met her, the condition of her skin was worse than they had anticipated. Beall struggled to find the right words to describe the extent of her skin condition.

Upon finding a hairless dog wandering the streets, the kind-hearted couple quickly took her to the vet for a thorough examination and brainstormed names for her during the ride. Ultimately, they decided on the name “Blondie” and hoped that one day she would grow a beautiful coat of blonde fur. The vet discovered that Blondie was suffering from demodex mange and several other issues. After receiving treatment, Blondie was released from the hospital and taken in by Beall. Although she quickly warmed up to Beall’s other dogs, she remained cautious around people, causing Beall to worry that Blondie would never fully trust humans again after her traumatic experience.

While bathing Blondie, Beall witnessed a heartwarming moment. Instead of running away as she usually did, Blondie took a few steps back before returning to Beall’s lap. This was a significant shift in their relationship because Beall had become Blondie’s safe haven. The experience brought tears of joy to Beall’s eyes.

Over time, Blondie’s skin and heart gradually improved, bringing a sense of relief to everyone. As new hair began to sprout, Beall noticed that the dog’s true color wasn’t blonde but rather brunette. Despite the change, it suited her perfectly and made her even more attractive. Beall was amazed by the dog’s fighting spirit, which played a significant role in her remarkable recovery.

Bald Chihuahua starts to grow fur

Blondie’s outlook is now filled with hope as she has started running and playing, which she had never done before. She is excited to interact with her foster siblings and has left her sloth-like pace behind. According to Beall, “she would slowly tiptoe everywhere she went” prior to this change. Additionally, Blondie has regained her appetite, particularly for bones. Whenever she wags her tail with enthusiasm, her foster mother feels proud of how much she has transformed into a loving and lively dog.

The decision on whether or not Blondie will continue to stay with Beall has not been made yet. Nevertheless, Beall is determined to make the best choice for Blondie’s well-being.
According to Beall, the final say is not in his hands but in Blondie’s. Beall expressed his pride for how much Blondie has grown and developed over time. He is excited to see what the future holds for Blondie, the lovely pup.

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