From Garden to Indoors: A Community Cat’s Adventure with Kittens Under the Tree

Community Cat Living in a Garden Decides to Give Indoor Life a Try, Soon After She Has Kittens Under Cat Tree

A stray cat that resided in a garden made a decision to experience the life indoors. In no time, she gave birth to her litter of kittens under a cat tree.

cat mom kitten

One day, a family discovered a thin cat in their backyard and gave her some food. Although she seemed wild, she ended up sticking around so they continued feeding her daily. As time passed, the family noticed that her tummy was growing larger. They speculated that she might be expecting and immediately reached out to their local animal rescue for assistance. Luckily, Anne from the organization that they foster for (@katzoektthuis) was available to take her in.

community cat indoors

The feline was given the name Penny with great affection and was taken inside, presumably for the first time ever. Despite being provided with a cozy and tranquil room, Penny made it clear that she preferred to keep her distance from humans. Her owner, Anne, arranged multiple snug spots for her, yet Penny was instantly attracted to the cat tree.

cat tree penny

As soon as Anne walked into the room, the cat got up and slowly came out of her hiding place, heading towards her food bowl with excitement in her eyes. Some time passed, and Penny unexpectedly went into labor. To everyone’s surprise, she chose to give birth to her kittens under the cat tree rather than in one of the available birthing suites.

cat kittens nursing

Penny gave birth to four plump and robust kittens. She had been devouring every meal that she could possibly get her paws on ever since she appeared in the family’s home. Penny was extremely defensive of her cherished litter and kept her den out of bounds for humans.

cat snuggling kittens

When Penny’s kittens were young, she would embrace them tightly to ensure they stayed safe in their nest. However, as they grew up, they became more curious and adventurous, and even Penny couldn’t stop them from wandering off to explore the world.

cat hugs kitten protective

Anne recounted her experience with the kittens when they were about three weeks old. As they began to move around unsteadily, they became increasingly curious about her presence. She revealed that they quickly developed a fondness for her, with Kaya, the boldest of them all, being the first to approach her and the others following suit.

kittens playful cat tree

Penny wasn’t exactly excited, but she kept a close eye on her kittens as they explored the room and grew attached to their foster mother. She was always quick to react at even the slightest meow from her babies. “These little ones are so friendly and curious about me,” the foster mom said.

hissy cat kittens

Kiki and Kaya are determined to take on the world, while their sister Kamille is a bit hesitant at first. However, once she sees how much fun her siblings are having, she eagerly joins in on the adventure. Koa, however, is a true mama’s boy and prefers to stay close to his mother’s side at all times. These little felines also enjoy cuddling up with Anne for some extra love and affection. They love to climb on her lap and bask in her warmth, or snuggle up in her arms for some extra attention.

lap kitten sweet

Penny, who lacked socialization during her early years, remains cautious around people but appears to trust that her kittens are being well-cared for. Anne stated that regardless of whether Penny becomes more sociable or not, they will search for a fitting home for her.

kitten snuggling cat mom

Once she’s spayed and given the medical attention she needs, our furry friend will have the option of living indoors with loving owners or thriving as a barn cat with caretakers who value her. Meanwhile, the kittens have plenty of room to grow and a whole set of feline abilities to develop.

kitten copies cat

Penny has shown her little ones how to maintain their personal cleanliness and scale the cat tree where they were born. As a result, she now enjoys spending time with her adorable mini versions on her beloved piece of cat furniture.

cat family tree kittens

Don’t forget to spread the word about this tale! For further updates about Anne’s foster kittens and other feline friends, check out her Instagram page @fosterkittens_be.

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