“From Coastal Stranded to Inland Saved: The Tale of a Pup’s Successful Rescue Adventure”

On the thirteenth of April, a dog with brown hair caught the attention of some workers when it swam towards them in response to their signals around noon. The pooch was exhausted and stranded on a beach located 220 km from the shoreline. As a result, the dog became the center of an impromptu rescue operation.

Rescuing the dog from the beach, 220km from the shore

It was uncertain how the dog became stranded and alone. There were various theories, including one that proposed the possibility of it accidentally falling off a fishing vessel and being carried away on an unintended voyage at sea.

Rescuing the dog from the beach, 220km from the shore

The dog that was given the moniker “Boonrod” by the rig workers, which means “survivor” in Thai, was in a condition that was indicative of the difficulties it had encountered. After being rescued, Boonrod was feeling drained and hungry, but the compassionate rig workers provided it with nourishment and water, taking care of it until it recovered fully.

Rescuing the dog from the beach, 220km from the shore

Realizing the gravity of the circumstance, the staff working on the oil rig appealed to a passing oil tanker for help. The collective endeavor aimed to rescue Boonrod and take him to land where he could get the care that he needed. Boonrod was given a fresh water bath and then was transported on April 15th to a veterinary facility in southern Thailand. Upon arrival, a veterinary specialist gave the courageous dog a comprehensive check-up.

Rescuing the dog from the beach, 220km from the shore

The rescue operation conducted by the rig workers was not only a touching moment, but it also shed light on the determination and survival instinct of Boonrod, the dog who traveled 220 kilometers away from the coast.

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