Discovering a Secretive Pup: Meeting a Dog with a Enormous Lump on its Neck amidst Building Bedlam.

Last week, Pawtcake received a dog through their WhatsApp platform.

He was seen carrying a heavy cord around his neck while having a huge growth. The poor soul was frightened and repeatedly sought shelter behind a board in an abandoned edifice.

The deserted structure seemed desolate, and it made me wonder how anyone could endure staying there. It was apparent that the person who left must have done it as a result of the significant growth on his body.

The person who rescued the animal used food as a way to coax it out and successfully captured it using a trap. The poor creature was extremely hungry and was given food to help soothe it. It was then taken to a veterinary clinic where it was discovered that the tumor on its body was quite heavy, possibly weighing more than 12 pounds.

The following day, the veterinary team took steps to get him ready for his surgical operation. Fortunately, it turned out to be a relatively simple procedure, and he demonstrated tremendous courage throughout the entire process.

Good riddance, Tumor!

It brings us immense joy to aid those vulnerable beings.

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