“Curly Fur Galore: The Irresistible Cuteness of Little Kittens”

In contrast to dogs, cats are commonly recognized for their straight and fluffy hair, which is one of their most distinctive features. However, there is a particular breed of cat called the Selkirk Rex that has a unique appearance compared to the typical felines we’re accustomed to seeing. Selkirk Rex cats have an angelic curl to their fur, a chunky build with a short muzzle, and a round head. Meet four adorable kittens from Switzerland named Tony, Manny, Sosa, and Elvira who look absolutely charming. Selkirk Rex cats take cute kittens to new levels with their lush curls, earning them the nickname “sheep cats” which is fitting for their woolly fur. The first litter of Selkirk Rex cats was born in 1987 in the Selkirk Mountains of Montana, and the breed was named after these mountains.

Little Kittens Have Adorable Curly Fur Like Nothing You’ve Seen Before – Icestech

Little Kittens Have Adorable Curly Fur Like Nothing You’ve Seen Before – Icestech

Little Kittens Have Adorable Curly Fur Like Nothing You’ve Seen Before – Icestech

The Selkirk Rex cat breed made its debut in Montana in 1987, making it a relatively new breed. Their distinctively curly hair has given them a cult-like status on the internet. The origin of these curls is a natural mutation that came about from a litter of a blue tortoiseshell cat and a white cat. All Selkirk Rex cats can trace their lineage back to Miss DePesto, the first-ever Selkirk Rex kitten, named after her breeder Jeri Newman’s stepfather. When Newman realized that DePesto carried both the dominant curly-coat gene and the recessive gene for long hair, he was quite surprised. To produce a long-haired offspring, both parents must possess at least one copy of the long hair gene, which is exactly what happened.

Little Kittens Have Adorable Curly Fur Like Nothing You’ve Seen Before – Icestech

Little Kittens Have Adorable Curly Fur Like Nothing You’ve Seen Before – Icestech

Little Kittens Have Adorable Curly Fur Like Nothing You’ve Seen Before – Icestech

In 1990, the Selkirk Rex breed was introduced to TICA’s board of directors and was later added to the New Breed and Color class. After two years, CFA registered the breed in the miscellaneous class. Selkirk Rex is a unique and well-loved cat breed that emerged in recent decades, even achieving CFA championship status in 2000. While most Selkirk Rex cats are born with curls, some also have straight hair. The waves in their fur become more defined as they age, and they are often referred to as “teddy bears” due to their softness.

Little Kittens Have Adorable Curly Fur Like Nothing You’ve Seen Before – Icestech

Little Kittens Have Adorable Curly Fur Like Nothing You’ve Seen Before – Icestech

The cuteness overload of these four kittens is causing a stir on various social media platforms.

Little Kittens Have Adorable Curly Fur Like Nothing You’ve Seen Before – Icestech

Little Kittens Have Adorable Curly Fur Like Nothing You’ve Seen Before – Icestech

Little Kittens Have Adorable Curly Fur Like Nothing You’ve Seen Before – Icestech

On Instagram, they have a substantial following of over 111k individuals who eagerly anticipate their frequent updates.

Little Kittens Have Adorable Curly Fur Like Nothing You’ve Seen Before – Icestech

Little Kittens Have Adorable Curly Fur Like Nothing You’ve Seen Before – Icestech

Little Kittens Have Adorable Curly Fur Like Nothing You’ve Seen Before – Icestech

Little Kittens Have Adorable Curly Fur Like Nothing You’ve Seen Before – Icestech

Little Kittens Have Adorable Curly Fur Like Nothing You’ve Seen Before – Icestech

Little Kittens Have Adorable Curly Fur Like Nothing You’ve Seen Before – Icestech

Little Kittens Have Adorable Curly Fur Like Nothing You’ve Seen Before – Icestech

Little Kittens Have Adorable Curly Fur Like Nothing You’ve Seen Before – Icestech

Little Kittens Have Adorable Curly Fur Like Nothing You’ve Seen Before – Icestech

Little Kittens Have Adorable Curly Fur Like Nothing You’ve Seen Before – Icestech

Little Kittens Have Adorable Curly Fur Like Nothing You’ve Seen Before – Icestech

Little Kittens Have Adorable Curly Fur Like Nothing You’ve Seen Before – Icestech

Little Kittens Have Adorable Curly Fur Like Nothing You’ve Seen Before – Icestech

Little Kittens Have Adorable Curly Fur Like Nothing You’ve Seen Before – Icestech

Little Kittens Have Adorable Curly Fur Like Nothing You’ve Seen Before – Icestech

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