A Heartwarming Story: Texas Tornado Victim’s Beloved Canine Companion Finds New Family

According to Michelle Shockley, a supervisor at a nearby zoo who assisted with the rescue, Emma was spotted in the rear of a pickup truck within a spacious crate.

PHOTO: Michelle Shockley has adopted this Great Pyrenees, who she has since renamed Emma.

Michelle Shockley is now the proud owner of a Great Pyrenees, which she affectionately calls Emma.

PHOTO: Michelle Shockley has adopted this Great Pyrenees, who she has since renamed Emma.

Michelle Shockley has taken in a Great Pyrenees dog that she has now called Emma. Shockley shared that Emma came to her while she was sitting in the back of a pickup truck and that she was exhausted and traumatized. Shockley immediately decided to adopt the dog and rename her Emma, following a suggestion from a behavioral psychologist who works with Nicholas Pet Haven. The vet who treated Emma found that she had suffered some head trauma and an inner ear injury, as evidenced by bruises all over her body and difficulty balancing. According to Shockley, the vet’s initial exams indicated that Emma had been thrown around and had experienced significant physical trauma.

PHOTO: Michelle Shockley has adopted this Great Pyrenees, who she has since renamed Emma.

Michelle Shockley is now the proud owner of a Great Pyrenees that she affectionately calls Emma.

PHOTO: Michelle “Missy” Shockley was volunteering with the crew that went in to Van, Texas after the tornado to rescue any animal survivors.

When a tornado struck Van, Texas, Michelle “Missy” Shockley volunteered to assist in the rescue of any surviving animals. Fortunately, Shockley wasn’t the only survivor. David and Brenda Tapleys, who owned 10 dogs, lost three of them in the disaster. Their adult children, who reside out of state, took in one dog, while the remaining six were given up to Nicholas Pet Haven. The shelter is currently working to find homes for the five dogs that still need them. One Australian shepherd mix has already found a family, while two long-haired dachshunds and a Pomeranian with congestive heart failure and a black-and-white terrier mix are still looking for a forever home. According to Nash, the Pomeranian is especially adorable.

PHOTO: Jo Shockley poses with Emma on the night of May 18, showing how the dog has had her hair shaved so that the veterinarian can treat her wounds.

On the evening of May 18, Jo Shockley was pictured with Emma, who had her fur shaved to allow the veterinarian to treat her wounds. Fortunately, Emma’s fur is growing back, and she has started to regain her appetite. According to Michelle Shockey’s mother, Jo Shockley, the family was overjoyed when Emma ate an entire can of dog food during Monday night’s dinner. Jo Shockley mentioned that Emma is a little underweight, but that isn’t surprising given the breed’s typical behavior. They are known for being protectors and guardians, often safeguarding those who are more vulnerable than themselves.

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