“A Heartbreaking Discovery: Abandoned Dog Found with Enormous Growth on Neck”

Many pet owners purchase collars for their furry friends. These collars come in handy when taking our dogs out for a stroll or attaching identification tags to them as a precautionary measure in case they wander off.

As your furry companion grows, you may need to invest in a fresh collar for them. This is because the collar they currently wear won’t fit them properly as they continue to grow, and it may become too tight around their neck.

Nancy’s previous caretakers failed to provide her with a proper collar. Instead, they used a piece of string that was tightly fastened around her neck and never removed it. This neglectful action would eventually lead to Nancy being suffocated.

Prior to receiving help, Nancy’s head had swelled due to the tightly-wrapped string around it. Fortunately, Animal Help Unlimited in Udaipur, Rajasthan, India came to her rescue. The owner of a furniture shop also contributes to assisting stray dogs by providing them with a cozy place to sleep.

A dog that was sleeping has become popular on the internet as it allowed a group of young goats to use him as a surface for their jumping exercises, melting over one million hearts in the process.

After returning to the sanctuary, the string was taken off from Nancy and she started to recover. Nancy is now a joyful and grateful dog after being freed from the string. Feel free to share her story with others.

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