A Stray Dog’s Tale of Survival: How a Cemetery Became Home and Trash Became Food

Around two years ago, Stella was homeless and didn’t have a proper place to stay. She had to make do with whatever she could find, even if it meant sleeping on trash bags. Despite her situation, she had so much love to give, but unfortunately, nobody gave her the opportunity. Fortunately, things took a positive turn for the one-year-old, and her transformation since then is truly remarkable.

Small dog eats food on the ground.

Heather Martin was on the hunt for a new pet when she discovered Stella and immediately knew they were meant to be together. After learning about Pooches Out of Puerto Rico from a coworker, Martin and her husband researched the organization and fell in love with Stella at first sight.

Small dog sleeps on trash bags.

Martin was eager to welcome a new furry friend into her family, but before that could happen, Stella required medical attention. Martin’s ideal companion was a charming, playful, curious dog who loved to soak up the sun. However, Stella’s initial condition was dire as she had been left at a garbage dump, surviving on whatever food she could scavenge and sleeping on piles of garbage bags. She suffered from severe mange, scabies, roundworms, and hookworms. At the time of rescue, Stella only weighed 9 pounds. Following appropriate veterinary treatment, Stella was finally ready for adoption and joined Martin’s family. Under Martin’s loving care, the once homeless and sickly dog underwent a remarkable transformation.

Small dog lays on floor.

The incident resulted in Martin adopting another dog from the rescue, whom he named Lulu, so that Stella could have a companion to share her growth. Additionally, Stella’s affectionate nature brought a ray of sunshine into Martin’s existence.

Small dog snuggles with Dad.

According to Martin, Stella has been like a beam of happiness in their lives. She has an innate ability to sense when they need affection and snuggles up to them. Her only desire is to be loved and she’s absolutely flawless in every way.

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