Overjoyed Pit Bull Rescued by Loving Foster Dad Who is Showered with Kisses and Affection!

It’s always heartwarming when a dog from a shelter finally gets adopted and finds their forever home. Dogs have an innate ability to sense that they’ve been chosen, and their reactions can be incredibly endearing. This was certainly the case for a pitbull at a shelter who was so ecstatic upon meeting her new owner that she kept hugging him tightly with pure joy shining in her eyes.

Adorable Video Shows Shelter Pitbull Who Was Unable To Stop Hugging Her New  Dad After Being Adopted

As reported by The Dodo, Mary and Mark McCraw were on the lookout for a new dog to adopt after their beloved pet Mischka passed away from cancer. However, their plans changed when they came across Maggie, a shelter dog desperately in need of a loving home. Mary was immediately smitten with Maggie and felt that it was fate that brought them together. During their first meeting, Maggie jumped up on Mark and showered him with kisses, which was captured on camera and has since gone viral on TikTok. The video was shared by Pitties From Heaven, a South Carolina-based pit bull foster organization that had been caring for Maggie. The group was thrilled to witness such a heartwarming moment and reaffirmed their belief in the beauty of fostering animals. According to their post, “This is why we foster. This is the moment a neglected dog becomes part of a family.”

Mary McCraw shared with The Dodo how she knelt down to make the animal feel more comfortable and within moments, the creature climbed up onto her lap and into her heart. She described the meeting as an instant connection, falling in love at first sight and feeling that the animal was destined to be a part of their family.

The stars aligned for a couple in search of a new furry companion and a sweet pitbull who needed a loving home. The heartwarming moment was described by Andra Mack, Maggie’s former foster parent, as something straight out of a movie. Maggie’s gentle and affectionate nature made her one of the most delightful dogs Andra has ever fostered. She knew from the start that the couple was perfect for Maggie, and the video of their first meeting showed that it was meant to be. Andra is convinced that their former dog, Mischka, was watching from above and smiling at the happy reunion.

It’s truly heartwarming when a rescue dog finally finds its forever home, and we recently witnessed one of the most adorable moments. Seeing Maggie being adopted into her new family brought us so much joy and we know she will be very happy in her new home!

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