The Heart-Wrenching Tale of a Canine’s Inability to Find Peaceful Slumber

Cala, the guard dog, had spent numerous years bound to a chain which was so tight that she couldn’t even rest her head or breathe properly.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

The police and the dog shelter Territorio de Zaguates were informed by the residents about the unacceptable living conditions of the dogs in the area.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Upon her rescue, Cala was found to be severely undernourished and too weak to stand. Her body was also marked with numerous wounds and cuts caused by the chains she had been bound with.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Cala’s health was in such a dire state that had she not been discovered in time, her life would have been claimed by the illness.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Taking care of the little dog and helping it recover from its illness was a difficult and time-consuming journey.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Besides the discomfort, she had a great deal of suspicion towards other canines and people.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

However, the team that was tasked with rescuing her refused to give up.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Here’s Cala, a few days post-treatment and already showing signs of improvement.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Despite being rescued, Cala was reminded of the cruel nature of people.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

In the month of June, a group of individuals trespassed into the animal sanctuary with the malicious intention of harming the dogs by feeding them contaminated sausages.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

It’s sad to report that 16 dogs lost their lives, but fortunately, Cala was able to pull through with only minor neurological issues.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

According to Lya Battle, the mastermind behind Territorio de Zaguates, her survival can be attributed to both her size and resilience. She jokingly added that she’s simply “too tough a cookie” to be brought down easily.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

At present, Cala is thriving in her new abode and living her most joyful life. Battle noted that she exudes happiness, vitality, determination, a slight degree of obstinacy, and is indulged by her foster mother and loved ones.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Despite the positive outcome of her experience, news of her previous mistreatment left many outraged.

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

Dog Kept On Such A Short Chain She Could Never Rest Her Head Is Finally Rescued And The After Pics Will Bring You Joy

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