From Grumpy Kitten to Sassy Cat: The Story of a Feline with Personality

Kitten with a 'Frown' Comes to Woman's Home and Grows Up to Be a Small Cat with a Big Cattitude

A feline with an adorably grumpy expression showed up on a woman’s doorstep one day and eventually matured into a petite cat with a formidable personality.

frowny face cat

A group of kittens were taken to the Carroll County Humane Society in Tennessee, requiring foster care. The kittens were around 4-5 weeks old and one of them was noticeably smaller than the others. It was discovered that this kitten was born with dwarfism, making it the runt of the litter. Despite the size difference, foster volunteer Michelle Roberts took in the entire litter, including the smallest kitten named Widget. Widget had a distinct “grumpy cat” face and weighed less than her siblings. However, she immediately demanded Michelle’s attention with her disapproving gaze.

grumpy face kitten

“I was head over heels for her even before we were formally introduced. But when I finally saw her face-to-face, I was hooked,” Michelle shared with Love Meow.
During the following two weeks, Widget’s siblings grew rapidly while she took her time making gradual strides every day. Her distinct “frowny” expression became more prominent, and her sassy personality blossomed.

snuggling kitten

Widget loved to snuggle with her foster mom, despite the expression on her face that seemed to say otherwise. Michelle enjoyed pampering her like a little princess and, as time passed, she found herself growing more and more fond of the little girl. Eventually, all of Widget’s siblings were adopted into loving homes. However, since Michelle was Widget’s foster mom, she had the privilege of being the first to adopt her.

kitten toilet paper

The fostered kitten had already won over her caretaker’s heart the moment she flashed her playful, yet serious countenance. Michelle felt that the feline had chosen her as her human, rather than the other way around. She firmly believed that pets often have a hand in selecting their owners.

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The Humane Society staff reached out to me regarding Widget as they were aware of my fondness towards pets. They trusted that I would provide her with an exceptional home and keep them informed of her well-being through regular updates.

lap cat, dwarf cat

Meet Widget, the embodiment of feline sass wherever she goes. Michelle, Widget’s owner, shared with Love Meow that Widget is always packed with cattitude and can easily express her emotions in under two minutes, despite having a constant frown on her face. “She will make sure to let you know how she feels about anything,” Michelle added.

frowny face cat, grumpy face

Even though she’s petite, weighing only 6.4 pounds, this little feline can still join in on all the fun with other cats. She’s playful, loves to wrestle, and enjoys running around just like any other cat. This tiny kitty has a few favorite toys, including tissue paper and crinkle balls, and she’s always ready for a good fight with her fellow resident cats.

frowny face cat

She relishes a peaceful slumber basking in the warm rays of the sun, follows it up with some limbering up and then returns to her siesta. She has become proficient in sprinting up and down the flight of stairs in my flat. It is astonishing how much noise a miniature feline can make while ascending and descending a staircase.

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When this furry little creature is feeling active, she transforms into a curious ball of energy, ready to pounce on any catnip pillow in sight. But when it’s time to relax and recharge, she simply finds a cozy spot and dozes off without a worry in the world.

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Widget may be small in stature, but her personality and sassy attitude more than compensate for her diminutive size.

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Despite being a pampered feline, she exudes self-assurance and rules the household like a true leader.

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Let your pals in on the fun and follow the escapades of Widget the feline on Instagram. Spread the word!

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