“Unveiling ‘Shiver’: A Haunting Tree Emblematic of the Human Experience”

The indigenous people of Australia commonly call the plant known as Corymbia opaca the “desert blood tree.”

Upon initial observation, Corymbia opaca may not appear distinct from other plants. However, they possess a unique trait that is only revealed when they experience a specific type of injury. When these plants are cut, they release dark red liquid streaks that resemble blood, giving them a rather unsettling appearance.

The desert blood tree may look similar to other tree species, but it has a distinctive feature that sets it apart. When the tree is cut, it releases thick and sticky dark red liquid that resembles blood. These streams run down the trunk and dry quickly, leaving behind a glue-like residue that adheres to the bark.

The Corymbia opaca tree is not only known for its eerie “blood,” but is also highly valued for its medicinal properties. Studies have shown that Australian aborigines have long harvested the sap of this tree, which is rich in tannins, a substance commonly used in traditional medicine. The sap has been used to treat various ailments, including colds and other diseases.

Although harmless to humans, the sight of this sap must have given many people an unpleasant sensation.

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