The Viral Impact: Christ the Redeemer Embracing the Moon Through a Brazilian Lens

A Brazilian photographer has achieved a stunning feat by capturing a remarkable photo of Christ the Redeemer ‘holding’ the moon in both hands after three years of unsuccessful tries. Leonardo Sens was able to take the shot from Icaraí Beach in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, approximately seven miles away from the statue’s location. The picture, which quickly went viral, displays the 98-foot monument on Corcovado Mountain in Tijuca National Park, perfectly aligned with the moon directly above it.

“After three years of trying, I finally managed to capture the photo I’ve been dreaming of,” shared Sens with G1, a local news outlet in Brazil. The viral image of Christ the Redeemer seemingly cradling the moon was taken early on a Sunday morning from Niterói, a town about seven miles away from the iconic statue in Rio de Janeiro.

Sens, a longtime photographer of Rio de Janeiro, shared that his stunning photograph was the result of careful preparation and study of the moon’s positioning. He mentioned that he had prior knowledge of when the iconic concrete and soapstone monument, a major tourist attraction in Brazil, would perfectly align with the moon thanks to his meticulous planning.

Sens utilized a variety of apps to pinpoint the specific moments when the moon would align perfectly over Christ the Redeemer, searching eagerly for the ideal time and date. In an interview with the online news site Itatiaia, he shared how he invested in a new set of lenses a couple of years back, anticipating the opportunity to capture up-close shots of both the moon and sun.

Leonardo Sens, a photographer from Brazil, woke up bright and early on Sunday to head to Icara Beach in Rio de Janeiro. He was on a mission to capture a stunning shot of the moon shining above the iconic Christ the Redeemer statue. The day before, he had attempted to snap a picture of the statue appearing to cradle the moon, but the pesky clouds had foiled his plans.

The iconic image of Christ the Redeemer seemingly ‘holding’ the moon in the background was captured by Leonardo Sens in Rio de Janeiro. Sens shared that he initially tried to take the shot when the moon was hidden by clouds on Saturday, but his luck changed as the moon started to descend. “I arrived early, set up my tripod, and waited for the perfect moment,” Sens explained. The photo quickly went viral, receiving over 137,000 likes on his Instagram account and earning praise from his followers. “Your unique angle captured the moon in a truly unforgettable way,” one user commented, while another expressed astonishment, saying, “These images are simply incredible and mesmerizing.”

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